Seurakunnan logo


Hollolan seurakunnan logo on saanut innoituksensa kuvan ja värien osalta Hollolan kirkon alttaripäädyn keskiaikaisesta vihkirististä. 

Vihkiristin yläosassa on keskiaikainen, seitsemän sakarainen kuvio, jonka arvellaan olevan sakramenttien tunnus.



Logo, värillinen (JPG)

Logo, mustavalkoinen (JPG)

Logo ilman tekstiä, värillinen (JPG)

Logo ilman tekstiä, mustavalkoinen (JPG)



Logo, värillinen (PNG)

Logo, mustavalkoinen (PNG)

Logo ilman tekstiä, värillinen (PNG)

Logo ilman tekstiä, mustavalkoinen (PNG)


Logon väri:

CMYK: 55, 100, 20, 15 / #640055

About the history of the Logo in English

When the church building was inaugurated with Catholic ceremonies, the consecrating bishop sprinkled holy consecration water on the walls of the building and made the signs of the cross with consecrated oil (chrism). Later, these places on the wall were painted with a dedication cross. There were always twelve crosses, according to the number of apostles. There are eleven of them left in Hollola church.

The logo is designed from the cross with an extra ornament on the right side of the altar, which differs from other dedication crosses in Hollola church in that the upper part of the cross has a seven-spiked pattern. This medieval symbol is possibly an emblem of the sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion, Ordination, Matrimony, Absolution, Last Anointing).

The dedication cross jewelry is Hollola parish's own sales product for the parish's missionary work. The silver pendant is made in Finland.

Hollolan kirkon keskiaikainen vihkiristi
Hollolan kirkon keskiaikainen vihkiristi